The alien monsters came bursting out of the furnace and burrowed through the basement ceiling...

Eventually reaching the front lawn where they frantically waved at the sky, hoping the mothership would come to collect them soon.

(Bottom picture found by Lyn.)
Nice! A tree that isn't.
Great blog! The other morning I was up at 3am with our baby and you had me laughing in my chair at these crazy photos. We've been looking for a house in Berkeley, CA for almost two years now. I need a few laughs.
Uh, hope their space ship comes soon, because that "tree" really doesn't do anything for the landscaping.
This is why I heart this blog so much. It has left me speechless. Er, textless. Whatever.
But a Bette Midler song springs into mind nonetheless ...
And I'm not even Gay™.
Sure you're Not™.
Isn't that their spaceship in the driveway?
What a landscaping crime. Somebody call TreETA.
Forget about the alien tree, I'm more freaked out by the smiling sunflowers all over the kitchen.
Ohhhhhh, tree topping! That SHOULD be a crime!! I've seen people do this before to their trees, and I always cringe, thinking, "Well, if you don't want shade on your precious lawn, why don't you just chop the whole darn thing down?"
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