Friday, July 18, 2008

If I had a spare two million...

You come here for the snark, I know, I know. But look at this! Look at this wallpaper! How excellent is this? I just had to share. (Plus some people will think it's hideous, so we all win!)


FarmWife said...

Totally worth 2 mil, especially with the green animal print paper too!

Mish McEntire said...

Ooooooooooooooooooooooo! I must have this wallpaper! *dreamy sigh*

THANK YOU for sharing! :D

Jean Martha said...

I would totally do a bathroom in that wallpaper just for the giggles...

Anonymous said...

I remember a similar paper in my pediatricians office back in the early 70's.

Anonymous said...

Why two pictures of the green wild animal wallpaper? One, then a second closer up, in case you didn't quite get the full impact the first time?

Meg said...

Any one know where I can find that wallpaper? It'd be worth losing my deposit for that! Green animals in the kitchen, people in the loo? That's super awesome!

Alicia said...

This wallpaper is FABULOUS, in a hideous, lower your homes' value sort of way. Actually that groovy print would make an excellent baby blanket....

Amanda said...

I like the animal wallpaper. Looks like something that would hang in a babies room. LOVE LOVE LOVE the view. If only I was rich. Love this blog it makes me not feel so bad about my own home (now if I only had that wallpaper)

Theresa Rohrer said...

I think that paper is pretty awesome. I'd buy the house just for that. I especially like the guy buried in the sand.

ariemay said...

are those camp stoves?

mitsy said...

Thumbs up to the owner(s) that didn't destroy a classic Eichler by "updating" it. Hopefully, the new owners won't either... and they'll leave that most awesome wallpaper where it rightly deserves to be.