What have you done to Elmo? Oh, you fiends! Why? Why?
And it gets worse outside, as chase pointed out. Small children, look away!

Modesty Chair applied to protect the innocent. Smuttier people can click on the photo below for Chair-on-Chair action (and shame on those people for looking).

Would this picture from that listing get a modesty chair, or would that just be redundant: http://media.cdn-redfin.com/photo/1/bigphoto/715/29068715_5_1.jpg ?
I was so stunned by the carnage that I missed the Chairs, -- chase. Thanks! Up they go...
Chair! First the drinking, now this! I fear it's time for an intervention of some sorts...
Yeah, just what you want in a damp area; a furry wall. Brilliant.
The price is $650.00 a square foot. Six hundred and fifty dollars a square foot. Have they lost their entire minds? Is this the best location in the world, because it would have to be.
The thing is, it doesn't look that prime from the satellite view. Scrolling down to the average price per in that area they apparently think they should score more than double the average.
Elmo pelts being extremely rare and all.
Whoa. They have lost their entire minds because they think it's appreciated 200k in six years. I realize they did some remodeling but I think they are also doing some heavy duty drugs, or they recently woke up from a two year long coma and don't realize how laughable that is.
You always make me laugh - I love it. The nerve posting chair on chair action online...
I'm going to take Chair's side on this.
You guys are pervs, maybe chair was trying to lift a friend so they could see over the rail and admire the lovely back yard.
And if not, they're adults, and what they are doing is perfectly natural. Shame on all of you voyeurs watching and photographing them!
As for the living room, it looks like red fur on one glance, a blood smeared wall on the next. creepy.
But i like the home office that is included, as long as you dont mind working in the floor....under the tv.
Chair gets more action than... er, nevermind.
I think it is just a paint job, blake. Maybe rag rolling from the visual on it, but typically people don't do that with red specifically so that the wall doesn't end up looking like a blood slide.
Anyway, as I'm still in absolute shock over the price per square, I went back to try and figure out what's so wonderful about this place. The listing below (from the floor up) has a great corner lot, here...? I'm confused.
Even more so after reading this:
Heating & Cooling
* Free-Standing Stove Heat "
That stove huddling in the corner of the red room is the only source of heat? What??
Is the siding on this house made of graham crackers?
Oh look! I see Hansel & Gretel.
This could explain what happened to Elmo.
Censoring it only made it worse. Now it's chair-on-chair-on-chair action.
I want to point out that through the screen it appears someone is trying to pear at the chair on chair. Like something is trapped in the blinds (like a nekked elmo)
Once you get see past the insane redness of the wall- why is everything mounted at ceiling level? Except for the computer which nicely balances everything out by being on the floor. And interesting choice of "wall sconce". Lovely indeed.
Good lord, you're right, knitorpurl. This house clearly belongs to someone that either likes neck trauma, or is 7' 2" ...and eschews heat, evidently. Maybe the walls keep the tall one warm.
If I'm not mistaken (I am), the walls were inspired by that famous Jackson Pollock work, "Bloodsneeze".
And I also love the sconce. It's like a little bit of front porch brought inside, where it absolutely doesn't belong.
I think the wall would go great with the lava shag carpet from a few posts ago.
Elmo's okay - nobody would try to hurt Michelle Obama's primary Henson-spawn.
No. But if you stare at that wall or long enough, you start to see little handprints a la Blair Witch.
Is every room in this house a long, narrow rectangle?
But isn't that where baby chairs come from?
I guess this is where all those little baby chairs come from. But if the parents are white chairs, why are the small ones usually various primary colors?
For more chair on chair action, go to http://www.furnitureporn.com/furnporn1.html
Finally an appropriate place to mention this site :)
Wait a minute...just hold on a minute....why is there no bong on the coffee table?? ...and NO lava lamp????
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