Saturday, May 9, 2009

Run! Be free!

"Come with me, Treadmill!" said Chair. "We were meant to be together. Just spin, spin, spin your belt and roll out the door! Green pastures are waiting for us. Come, Treadmill, my darling, come!"

(Found by Tami.)
(This blog makes less and less sense with every passing day.)


E said...

"no kids to stink up... this Caledonia jewel."

Hmm. I wonder how the agent feels about children?

If I were in the market for a 3 bedroom 2 bath home (because I had kids) I doubt that I'd choose this guy to help me look at houses.

At least he's honest.

Anonymous said...

I think the agent pictures the toddlers in the "backyard with pond"..."making children's play options convenient". See, the agent loves kids.

Paul Riddell said...

I like to think of it as expanding upon its injokes. I still remember the long-lamented "Dysfunctional Family Circus," where the jokes about Bil's special friend "Uncle Roy" gained a life of their own.

Melissa ~ Mom to 6 said...

Thanks to this blog, I see CHAIR everywhere. Too bad they're not in listings, or I could finally contribute.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the guy really isn't trying to appeal to families, is he? Or animal lovers, or apparently anyone that likes a color other than a variation of beige.

Nice enough house, and clearly what the agent meant was that there hadn't been any kids living there to "ding it up". A great way to convey that without sending such a "And leave your freaking rug rats at home if you come to see it. I hate children." vibe is by saying, "Like new, in pristine condition. This home shows no wear."

Because you know what doesn't score many commissions? Insulting people's lifestyle choices, their kids, or their pets. Even by implication. Not smart, dude.

Niki said...

I can blame this blog for the strange dream I had last night. I dreamt that I was shooting at things (trees, for some reason) with a sniper rifle and took aim at one of those white plastic chairs that are so often in these real estate listings. Unfortunately, I missed.

Ingrid said...

I've been looking for a treadmill that comes with a house...

Decadent Housewife said...

It's actually an art gallery - incomprehensible objects and interesting shadows.

Kateri said...

We are getting ready to list our house. Your blog is giving me a very good idea of what NOT to do.

Glory von Hathor said...

"buyer's bringing their choice of carpet"

Anonymous said...

oh this reminds me of a painting by edward hopper called sunlight in an empty room.
simple and lovely.