"Do not Disturb tenants..."
... they're already disturbed enough.
UPDATE: As per Bill's Bayou's suggestion, the photo currently on the listing:

Ahh. Much better.
ANOTHER UPDATE: From Bill's Bayou:
UPDATE: As per Bill's Bayou's suggestion, the photo currently on the listing:

Ahh. Much better.
ANOTHER UPDATE: From Bill's Bayou:
They seem to have shopped him out now, leaving a ghostly time warp in the kitchen instead.
"One of kind mini southern mansion" -- cause everyone knows Scarlett O'Hara always dreamed of moving Tara to Tacoma!
That was quick, they've removed the guy now.
The ghostly Donnie Darko warp does make the post seem even creepier than the blurry man.
And I was unaware of there were southern mansions in NW Washington, much less mini ones.
The location would be the most geographically opposite of where you'd expect southern mansion, without including Alaska (which nobody ever does).
Oh, I get it now! The southern mansion made it from georgia to washington via the Darko-ghostly-teleporting-timewarp!
This listing answers a lot of questions. For example:
Q) When is a mansion not a mansion? A)When it is a mini mansion, of course.
Q) When is a southern mansion not located in the South? A) When it is located in the Northwest.
Q) When is a tenant really disturbed? A) When his blurry photo winds up on a real estate listing and then a blog accessed by curiosity seekers of all stripes.
Maybe he's in the Witness Protection Plan, that's why his image had to be blurred out.
It could've been worse. They could have had to Photoshop him out of the bathroom picture.
They also got rid of some people in the driveway, if I'm remembering it correctly -- I think there was a woman and a child there.
You have GOT to repost this photo with the new ghosted-out tenant. This makes this listing look haunted. "Do not disturb the tenants" as in "Do not disturb the graves of the previous tenants." It's worse now than before!
the creepier question is, what is he doing with his other hand while he eats at the counter? I dont want to know.
the whole thing is creepy.
"One of a kind mini southern mansion" = the porch has columns + there's not an identical house on the same block, I think.
It's Predator 3 -the new movie coming to a theatre near you!! lol
Woah! Creepy!!
...what was I saying about only selling Photoshop to qualified professionals? Egads!
"Hello, I have seen the internet listing concerning your mini-mansion. I would like to know if the distructured cubist kitchen by Picasso is included in the price. thank you for any information."
What exactly is the Predator straddling there? Is he using his powers of invisibility to help himself to custard creams before dinner time?
Do not disturb tenants? Hey, how about not disturbing potential buyers? That Photoshopped mess makes it look like there's a gateway into another reality.
That photo can't be fixed, it was out of focus to start, and now it just looks like the bleary visions of a drunk on six day bourbon bender.
Start from scratch, oh real estate agent.
So you're not to disturb the tenants (Beware of the Tenant signs need immediate placement), but it's okay to take blurry pictures of them, then mess with the space/time continuum to remove them?
I finally figured out he is sitting on a bar stool! I kept thinking it was a tricycle:) I was wondering how big is a "mini" mansion if you need a bike to get around it:)
Damn it Jim! I can't fix a broken transporter with nothing but paper clips and gum! Spock, Can you hear me?
I'd like a boyfriend who could disappear like that! Bring home his check, make dinner, then back to The Enterprize
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