Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hand me the power saw, willya?

Becca found this listing months ago, but I am slooow -- so slow that the place has already rented. Sorry, you'll have to find some other home to live in; some other apartment that apparently has a man breaking into it from the garage.


Decadent Housewife said...

Maybe he's trying to escape.

burhanistan said...

Clearly, that is a piñata. That one is probably filled with coins and hand tools instead of the traditional wrapped candy.

scowl said...

Good thing there was a car for that guy to climb on to replace the light bulb otherwise he would have had to find the owner of the car, ask them to move it, then get out a ladder, etc. So what if he puts a few footprints on the hood?

GaryM said...

Obviously, he's trying to hold up that corner of the building. Anything to save his truck.

authoress45 said...

Not to mention another apartment with the view of that amazing large tree in the front that covers the entire front or back. I cannot tell which.