Monday, June 29, 2009

*nudge* *nudge* Anyone home? *nudge*

If the driver is one of those people who honks instead of getting out and ringing the doorbell, that baby is going to be pissed.

(OK, there isn't actually a baby. There's just a stroller. But it's funnier if you imagine a sleeping baby there, so just go along with me, will you? Thanks. Found by Cyn, by the way.)


JennyMac said...

hysterical! what a photo.

Anonymous said...

And what's with the bars? It looks like a prison cell. The car could be a police car.

Maybe it's a prison for wayward infants.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell if they're bars or if they just have the vertical blinds open. My first guess is that this room was a garage at one time and has since been remodeled into a room for the house. My grandmothers house is like that and it would explain the oddness of a driveway that goes right into a room in the house.

Consultant Calamities said...

how odd!!! Those do look like bars to me.

.:CyN:. said...

so excited to see that picture on ur blog! i love it,from the hilarious comments to the absolutely lovable white chair hehe.
regards from buenos aires!!

blake said...

On picture 3 it looks like the vertical bars on the are aesthetic molding pieces and not actual security bars.

I'm sure it will sell well. Argentina seems to be a popular getaway spot recently.

Silliyak said...

I picture a diapered kid with a tin cup dragging it back and forth across the "bars"

Anonymous said...

Here in the U.S. there are programs that have nurseries in prisons....I kid you not...

Anonymous said...

The fine print you cannot see:

"Buyer is transfered full wrath of Christine from previous owner, Stephen King"