Wednesday, August 12, 2009

All day, all night

No, I don't know why I have insomnia. I just sometimes get this feeling like someone's... watching me.

Yeah, them...

Specifically, that guy right there. A little privacy, please? Jesus!

(Found by Nicole.)


LovesYourSite said...

Certainly a fitting locale for your love-making partner to moan, "Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!"

Anonymous said...

And this, ladies, is where the magic happens.......

Babs said...

Well, that would certainly... um, promote chastity, wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

I do think the stained glass and sculptures are gorgeous, but it IS more than a little creepy for a bedroom! I would have turned that space into a library.

Anonymous said...

Yes, not at all overbearing. Doesn't everyone sleep with Jesus and the Apostles over their beds? I truly hope that any couple that stays in that bed are married. Otherwise they are totally going to hell

Unknown said...

Wellll... the other church was cool, but this one is a bit too... churchy. And why does Jesus have blue hair?

Maria said...

Hahahahahaha, an OMG is well deserved here! :D

mudslicker said...

Features: ...close to school, close to shop, close to transport, formal lounge, internal laundry, modern bathroom.

...close to church...REAL close to church!

CM said...

Maybe a little weird to have a frieze (or whatever it's called) as a headboard, but that house/hall/church is incredible! A quick googlemap search indicated the surrounding area is beautiful, too. I would TOTALLY live there if I were a millionaire, moving to Tasmania, and wanted to live in a cavernous de-consecrated space.

MoonGoddess said...

Maybe its a guest bedroom & they are hoping that the sheets will be cleanish when they go to change them. Either that or the mother in law's suite!

Anonymous said...

It's gorgeous but I wouldn't like to clean all of those stained glass windows!

Quirky Cottage Owners said...

What a great contrast to yesterday's post! I'm a little confused about the description when it says Two Bathrooms and Three toilets. The thought of a toilet standing alone somewhere in the building has my mind racing.

V- said...

C'mon.. is it too obvious? A Last Supper frieze.. it's supposed to be a dining room :P

Anonymous said...

I love it. I would totally love to live there. I think the reason they say 2 baths 3 toilets is because there are seperate rooms for toilets and rooms to bathe in.

Alissa Grosso said...

I'm not religious or anything, but this does seem very wrong to me.

Anonymous said...

Creepy. That's all.

Elizabeth said...

Rita, I think in some places, "bathroom" means what we would call a full bath - a room with a bathtub in it - and "toilet" means a half bath - just a toilet and sink.

Unknown said...

Did anyone notice the ghost in the second picture? My friend at work bought an old house and he has lots of these - he calls them orbs - floating around in his house. They can only be seen when a picture is taken. Also he set up a web cam and saw one floating around behind him when he turned it on. Cool!

anaceofkidneys said...

My inner goth loves this. It would be so easy to convert this chapel-bedroom-thing into Frank-N-Furter's somber bridal suite.

Julia M said...

Good grief.

I'll admit that the only thing I know about Tasmanians are inbreeding jokes, so maybe its best they are creeped out of fornicating.

Peeved Michelle said...

I'd love to convert an old church into a home, but I would actually convert it, not just move my stuff in.

Anonymous said...

For the love of God ...

... seriously.

Land of shimp said...

Wanna bet you'd have nightly dreams of martyrdom?

Yes, it's beautiful but I'm really not sure how I'd feel sleeping at the altar like that.

If that place is haunted, you have to know the ghosts are wicked ticked at this point.

"That is NOT next to godliness!!"

Unknown said...

I am from Tasmania, and this is a church I have attended. It is not a bad conversion as far as churches go here. I will clarify something. In Tasmania (Probably same for rest of Australia) Bathroom and toilet are usually (90% of the time) seperate. A bathroom has a bath, shower and basin. A toilet has, yep you guessed it, a toilet. That is all. Not usually no basins. This is because in our climate, with the hot summers, and sewers not being fully connected to properties until the 1950s/60s in places, the toilet was considered to be unhealthy, in a lot of cases, the toilet in the shed is just a sewered in version of the old "Pan dunny" (Google it)

Caught Lurking said...

It looks like my prayer about not having to get out of bed for mass has finally been answered.

Good-on-yah, Father, Son and Holy Ghost!!

Heather said...

I am so happy to see the loss of faith in other countries! If only it would spread to the United States. Beautiful.