Friday, July 31, 2009

The small dresser is for keeping Graham crackers in

Make s'mores in bed!

Have heart-to-heart discussions in the intimate conversation nook!

All this could be yours for just US$1,600 a month! Call now! Or not.

(Found by Ashling.)


Anonymous said...

Good idea having a comfy chair across from the toilet... for those days when chemo, or hangovers, run you ragged.

mudslicker said...

The artwork in this place is faaah-bulous!

Can't decide on which I love more -- the Maxine-esque cartoons hung ceiling height in the living room or the polar bear in a snowstorm paintng above the s'mores fireplace.

IMHO, I would predict that dishes don't do too well in that swell dishwasher in the kitchen. They go round and round and round and smash!

Chris said...

Is that a WASHING MACHINE right under the sink in the kitchen? Like, for clothes???? WTH?

Christy said...

I've often wondered about the whole keeping the washer/dryer in the kitchen thing. You see it a lot on home shows on BBC America. Having only been to hotels in Ireland, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this statement, but I begin to suspect that daily encounters with kitchen dishwashers is a purely American thing. Now, is it something to be said for the laziness of Americans or the smaller on par European living spaces? I don't know. But intriging all the same.

Galadriel said...

I thought that arched doorway led to a hall, at first glance.

burhanistan said...

The whole place is like shock therapy for claustrophobia sufferers, or refuge for those with agoraphobia. It's wee.

Tiffany said...

My brother used to live in Ireland and his apartment had a convenient factor not found here in the US. You could sit on the toilet while taking a shower and brushing your teeth. Talk about multi-tasking.

Land of shimp said...

@Chris, having the washing machine in the kitchen is very common in most European countries. It always seems odd to people in North America, but a lot of European places are much smaller than we are used to.

I like how there's an ashtray on the back of the commode.

Four bedrooms, and only one bath doesn't seem like it would lend itself to much lingering in the necessary room.

Sara said...

My washing machine is in the kitchen, so that's one of the furrin details that usually doesn't leap out at me. Mine is in a closet, though, not under the counter -- I agree that does look odd from my American perspective. Like mudslicker, I might find myself tossing the dishes in there...

knitorpurl said...

I like how the quirky bathroom picture is the first one. Way to start off.

Just sit back, put your feet up and relax.

Anonymous said...

I very much love the fact that the agency that is listing the house is the Daft agency. I guess it sounds normal if you've always heard it, much as the folks here in St. Paul don't find it odd that there is a school named Cretin Academy (now Cretin-Durham Hall, alas). It's actually a Catholic private school, named after Father Cray - TAH (a Frenchie).

Christina said...

Hey mudslicker, I think the polar bear in a storm is actually a mirror. (I spoil everyone's fun!)
If that's one of those ultra efficient washer/dryer combos under the sink then I am jealous. They are pretty hard to find here the the states.

mudslicker said...


I sure hope you're right. I must have been dazzled by all the fancy wallpaper.

One problem with this place is solved. Only 78 more to go.

Laynie said...

If those bedrooms are considered "large," I can't even imagine what a small bedroom would be. A closet? A shoebox, perhaps?

Christina said...

Oh, how nice! A place to prop up my feet if matters become...shall we say, difficult?

Anonymous said...

Having a clothes washer in the kitchen is very common in the greater Boston area. I always just figured it was one of those Massachusetts things, like having the light switch for the bathroom outside the bathroom itself.

Likely, it comes from the fact that in older houses, plumbing was already available in the kitchen, so it made sense to put the washer there.

Having the clothes washer in a second bathroom somewhere in the house is also common in New England.

Steve said...

My first thought when seeing the chair across from the toilet involved two people involved in an animated discussion/argument. The only place to retreat to for some privacy or for some self-reflection is the bathroom. Only in THIS living quarters, the other person simply plops down in front of you and continues the assault. "Why do you keep looking away from me? Are you listening to me?" Aaaargh!

Anonymous said...

Oh, throw another drawer on the fire...

Brandy said...

Oddly, I like this house. But then again I like small, strange things. (I'm obsessed with hamsters...they're small and strange)

Julia M said...

Actually, that is a great deal. I wish I could get a teeny tiny 1 bed in London for that.

It looks the the agent is suggesting this house for sharers. With 4-8 people sharing one bath, I guess its only decent to have a chair for those who are waiting their turn.

Ania said...

Is it pathetic that I checked the listing to see if it was in NYC so I could rent it?

Kelly Family said...

Something about potty training twins makes me appretiate a chair in the bathroom. I spend many an hour perched on the edge of the tub.

Then there is bath time.

Just a thought...I'd prefer a little more space, but I understand the chair.

Anonymous said...

Just make sure you know which throne you're sitting on after a long night of drinks.