Bedroom / window / closet? Don't be so picky.
"Nice Size Bedroom ,Closet & Window" says this listing Michelle found. I see how this is a bedroom and closet, but how is it a window?
"Nice Size Bedroom ,Closet & Window" says this listing Michelle found. I see how this is a bedroom and closet, but how is it a window?
And, disappointingly, there's no picture of "Big Eat in Kitchen"...
purr and woof? It's like the weird guy wrapping wontons from about a month ago. Besides, you can't keep and pet in a place that small, it's not much better than a veal calf pen!
(Where's Waldo?) Is that the closet in the back left corner, next to the door, in the picture of the bed? There's a dresser in a recessed area, with some hanging things in a drycleaners' bag. I enjoy your blog & do wonder at some of the things people include in their listings...What not to show!
I highly recommend the rest of his listings too. He just needs to fix up the ad text to include:
Bright colors are OK - eek! I'm blind!!
Clutter is OK - Ouch! My shins!
At least there's a Big Eat in Kitchen. Is there a Big Sleep in Bedroom? What's in the Bathroom?
But at least the photographer had it easy. He could take all of the pictures just by rotating in place.
Note the ad says: **ALL TENANTS IN BUILDING ARE NICE, YOUNG PROFFESIONALS!!" That is so much better than mean, old, non-professionals!
Are 'proffesionals' professionals who can't spell? Awesome!
How does one verify the "nice" of the young professionals, I cannot help but wonder. What standards of nice apply? "Yet to eat each other"? "Haven't killed each other in any murderous rampages!"
Clearly "nice" does not entail any bed making skills, because good lord!
The Woof and Purr are standard CL ads - they come with every ad whether you like or not. But Wow. I think I would make my bed before advertising it nationally. And looking at the bathroom, I hope the guy is left handed...
But the toilet is almost perfect aside the lid being up! +5 Points
It's gone! You done chased 'em away!
I love this! nyc listings always crack me up... looking for an apt here would be hysterically funny if it wasn't also incredibly sad! at one point i was paying $1600/month for a 400sq ft. one bedroom--which was bigger and cheaper than most places in the city.
Needless to say I live in the Bronx now, more than double the space, less than half the price.
When they say "window", they probably mean just the one window, there, in the whole apartment.
The official definition of a bedroom in most places is a room with a closet and a window. They're just saying it is officially a bedroom, no matter what it looks like.
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