Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cuckoo, cuckoo

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night...


Anonymous said...

I was just aghast that anyone would be trying to sell their home and that would be the one picture they put up. I looked all over that link trying to find something, anything that would lead to more house pictures.

Luckily, it looks like the agent just messed up because on Trulia there are 28 pictures of that listing. Including one where apparently they are selling a person too!:

Purchased in 2005 for basically 430k, that house has been on the market for over 200 days. What in the world can they be thinking? Lower the darned price. It's too high. Even someone with 20% down would still be in jumbo mortgage territory on that price and that house isn't worth that. Plus, jeez Louise, the days of houses appreciating 100K, without renovation, are in the past.

I know the "Cuckoo, cuckoo" is for the Sound of Music shout-out, but it applies in other ways too. Goodness.

Glory von Hathor said...


burhanistan said...

It's called hiding your weed in plain sight.

Stuart said...

I really wanna come up with a pun involving Venus Flytraps vs. the Von Trapps, but absolutely nothing good will come of it, so I'll merely opt out of any sort of reply whatsoever.

madderakka said...

Sad to say, that's a fair price for that house in Pennsylvania. It's over 3,000 square feet. Northern real estate is outrageous and I wish I hadn't let my husband talk me into moving up here-though we didn't pay anything near that much.

ptooie said...

makes me think of a confused fan of at&t's commercials...

mudslicker said...

LOL ptooie!

6 bars...and only two of them are just so-so and the other 4 are typical at&t, "oh, sorry, did we drop your call?."

Talk about being high on a hill with a lonely goat...

Anonymous said...

I find it so odd that the plants are almost identical. I thought it was a reflection for a second

Anonymous said...

The really disturbing part is that I just saw that commercial for the women's razor/clipper where the women walk past bushes that magically transform into shapes like a landing strip, triangle, etc. So these plants? Make me fear there are 6 women living in that house with grooming habits that run to the, um, interesting side. Especially since there are two of each plant, it's like the Noah's Ark of pubic hair.

Anonymous said...

Heh, my first thought was that, with a little work, you could almost get the google logo with those plants.